
  /    /  Gdansk

About the Fair

Ekocuda – the Natural Cosmetics Fair is the biggest such event in Poland so far!

It’s the event where producers and distributors, as well as natural cosmetics and products enthusiasts get together.

The latest, 3rd edition of Ekocuda in Gdansk took place on 2nd and 3rd March in well-known location; Stadion Energa Gdansk. There were over 90 exhibitors and over 12 000 visitors! There was a chance to attend many lectures and workshops that focused on healthy and natural care.

Ekocuda – the Natural Cosmetics Fair is a unique occasion to meet new, amazing cosmetic brands that offer nature-inspired products which are created with natural ingredients. Those cosmetics are made with love and passion for healthy lifestyle, and with respect for life and Mother Nature.

Many attractions, such as natural cosmetics  make up workshops, contests and lectures dedicated to healthy lifestyle wait for the Fair visitors.